Skill Samurai Math Kindergarten

Goals and objectivesMany young students entering Kindergarten may already know how to count numbers up to 20 and beyond. While developing counting skills is important, the main goal of Kindergarten Singapore Math is to begin building students’ number sense.
Also, unlike many other programs, Kindergarten Singapore Math takes significant time to teach the “number structures of 10 and some more” that lay the foundation of our decimal system by focusing on the understanding of numbers between 0 to 10 and 10 to 20. Emphasis is made on instantly recognizing numbers (subitizing) within 10 and understanding the number structure of 10 and some more.
For example, number 11 means 1 ten and 1 one, number 21 means 2 tens and 1 one, etc. If students firmly understand the number structure of 10 and some more, then they’ll be able to make computations with large numbers by applying the same strategies they learned for numbers to 20.


Student prior knowledge
Prior to starting Singapore Math in Kindergarten, students should be able to recognize numbers within 10 on the ten-frame card with automaticity. If students didn’t master this skill, then we highly recommend an engaging app that will help Kindergarten learners develop this important skill. The app is called Visual Math Karate. It contains 11 activities and games that are designed specifically to develop subitizing ability and “break” children’s habit of over-relying on counting fingers.

Number bond
In addition to the ten-frame, another tool, which is used to develop number sense is called a number bond. A number bond is the first mathematical model that children learn in Singapore Math Kindergarten. This model is a pictorial representation of a number and the parts that make it. The numbers represented in the whole and in the parts are located inside circles and connected with the lines. With the help of number bonds, young students learn the commutative property of addition in Kindergarten! For example, “4 is 3 and 1” and “4 is 1 and 3.”

Both the ten frame and number bond model are Singapore Math essentials. These tools help students develop visualization skills and strong number sense. At the end of Kindergarten young students should be able to recognize numbers on the ten-frame card and know number bonds to 10 with automaticity.

Our Skill Samurai Math K curriculum is spiral

Please note that our virtual Singapore Math for Kindergarten curriculum is spiral and it provides for the review of the important concepts that students learned in Pre-K. The introduction of new mathematical concepts is built upon topics covered earlier with increased levels of difficulty. Our online K-5 curriculum is aligned with all standard Singapore Math textbook series and it includes all content that these series cover, from Kindergarten through fifth grade.

Our Singapore Math in Kindergarten may introduce some topics one grade level earlier or postpone coverage of some topics until Grade 1. In the few instances where Kindergarten level units don’t exactly align between our curriculum and textbooks, you will still be able to easily locate the corresponding unit in our program by referring to the Visual Math Karate App and the table of contents in Kindergarten and Grade 1.

Kindergarten Math Scope and Sequence

Number Names And Counting SequenceThis unit covers counting from 0 To 100. Students will count to find out “how many.”
Comparing NumbersThis unit covers “greater than” and “less than,” comparing two numbers, and number patterns.
Number BondsThis unit covers making number bonds to 10. Lessons in this unit also reinforce student understanding of basic number skills.
Understanding AdditionThis unit covers making addition stories, ways to add, and solving addition word problems. Lessons in this unit will extend students’ understanding of addition equations.
Understanding SubtractionThis unit covers ways to subtract, making subtraction stories, and solving subtraction word problems. Students will look at subtraction through the relationships expressed in number bonds.
Numbers To 20This unit extends students’ understanding of numbers between 10 and 20 with emphasis on the teen numbers.
Measurable AttributesThis unit covers description of measurable attributes and comparing two objects. Students will learn how to describe and compare length, height, and weight.
Classifying ObjectsThis unit covers classification of objects into categories and groups.
Position WordsThis unit covers position words. Students will learn how to describe a position, using words such as before, after, between, left, right, next to, up, down, near, and far.
ShapesThis unit covers exploration of plane shapes, solid shapes, shapes of our environment, and forming larger shapes.