Skill Samurai Math Grade 3

Our curriculum is spiralPlease note that our Skill Samurai Math Grade 3 curriculum is spiral and it provides for the review of the important concepts that students learned in Grade 2. Our online K-5 math curriculum is aligned with all standard Singapore Math textbook series and it includes all content that these series cover, from Kindergarten grade through 5th grade.

Our Singapore Math for 3rd Grade may introduce some topics one grade level earlier or postpone coverage of some topics until grade 4. In the few instances where 3rd grade level units don’t exactly align between our curriculum and textbooks, you will still be able to easily locate the corresponding unit in our program by referring to the table of contents one grade below or above.


Correspondence to 3A and 3B
For your reference, the following topics in our curriculum correspond to Singapore Math practice Grade 3 in levels 3A and 3B:

Singapore Math 3a
Multiplication and division, multiplication tables of 2, 5, and 10, multiplication tables of 3 and 4, multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8, and 9, solving problems involving multiplication and division, and mental math computation and estimation.

Singapore Math 3b
Understanding fractions, time, volume, mass, representing and interpreting data, area and perimeter, and attributes of two-dimensional shapes.

Student prior knowledge
Prior to starting third grade Singapore Math, students should already know how to relate three-digit numbers to place value, use place-value charts to form a number and compare three-digit numbers. The initial lessons in the Singapore Math 3rd Grade are both a review and an extension of content covered in the prior grade that include mental addition of 1-digit number to a 2-digit number and counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

3rd Grade Singapore Math Scope and Sequence

Multiplication And Division
This unit covers understanding of multiplication and division. In this unit students will extend their knowledge of making equal groups to formalize their understanding of multiplication and division. The focus of this unit is on understanding multiplication and division using equal groups, not on memorizing facts. Students will learn how the multiplication symbol to represent addition of quantities in groups.

Multiplication Tables Of 2, 5, And 10
This unit covers multiplying by 2 using skip-counting, multiplying by 2 using dot paper, multiplying by 5 using skip-counting, multiplying by 5 using dot paper, multiplying by 10 using skip-counting, dividing using related multiplication facts of 2, 5, or 10. Students will learn building multiplication tables of 2, 5, and 10 to formalize their understanding of multiplication and division for facts 2, 5, and 10. Students will learn to find their division facts by thinking of corresponding multiplication facts.

Multiplication Tables Of 3 And 4
This unit covers multiplying by 3 using skip-counting, multiplying by 3 using dot paper, multiplying by 4 using skip-counting, multiplying by 4 using dot paper, dividing using related multiplication facts of 3 or 4. Students will learn building multiplication tables of 3 and 4 to formalize their understanding of multiplication and division for facts 3 and 14. Students will learn to find their division facts by thinking of corresponding multiplication facts.

Multiplication Tables Of 6, 7, 8, And 9
This unit covers multiplication properties, multiplying by 6, multiplying by 7, multiplying by 8, multiplying by 9, dividing using related multiplication facts of 6, 7, 8, or 9. Students will learn building multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8, and 9 to formalize their understanding of multiplication and division for facts 6, 7, 8, and 9. Students will learn to find their division facts by thinking of corresponding multiplication facts.

Solving Problems Involving Multiplication And Division
This unit covers solving one- and two-step word problems involving multiplication and division. Students will use a part-whole and comparison models to solve word problems involving multiplication and division.

Mental Computation And Estimation
This unit covers learning mental math strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. Students will use place value to round whole numbers.

Understanding Fractions
This unit covers parts and wholes, fractions and number lines, comparing unit fractions, equivalence of fractions, and comparing like fractions. Students will learn fractional notation that include the terms “numerator” and “denominator.” Students will understand that a common fraction is composed of unit fractions and they will learn to compare unit fractions.

This unit covers telling time, adding time, subtracting time, and time intervals. Students will review and practice to tell time to the minute, learn telling intervals of time in hours, convert units of time between hours, minutes, seconds, days and weeks.

This unit covers understanding of volume, comparing volume, measuring and estimating volume, and word problems involving volume.

This unit covers measuring mass in kilograms, comparing mass in kilograms, measuring mass in grams, comparing mass in grams, and word problems involving mass.

Representing And Interpreting Data
This unit covers scaled picture graphs and scaled bar graphs, reading and interpreting bar graphs, and line plots. Students will learn to sort data into groups and categories and use numerical data to interpret bar graphs and line plots.

Area And Perimeter
This unit covers understanding of area, measuring area using square centimeters and square inches, measuring area using square meters and square feet, area and perimeter, solving problems involving area and perimeter. Students will learn to find and measure area of figures in square units that include square centimeters, square inches, square meters and square feet.

Attributes Of Two-Dimensional Shapes
This unit covers categories and attributes of shapes and partitioning shapes into equal areas. Students will understand that figures with different shapes can have the same area.